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Amazing Stage Fabrics in Motion

Lano - decorative acoustic fabric
Lano - decorative acoustic fabric


Looking for a decorative but durable fabric that improves the acoustics of your space? Or a way to partition an open space, create a flexible workplace or gain more privacy?

With its linen-like texture and stylish colour range, Lano curtains are perfect for adding depth and colour while improving sound quality. The inherently flame-retardant material drapes very elegantly and will enhance a space both visually and audibly. 

كود المقالالعرضالطولالوزن

2358 0140 #

140 cm

± 50 m

435 g/m2

100% PES FR
مقياس مقاومة اللهب: 
AS 1530.2 • AS 1530.3 • BS 5867 PART 2B / pass • DIN 4102 / B1 • EN 13773 / class 1 • NF P 92-507 / M1 • NFPA 701 / pass