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Amazing Stage Fabrics in Motion

ShowTex search results for tour

The search found 67 results in 0.009 seconds.

    Björk Cornucopia - projection surface


    A fine selection of projection fabrics transforms venues from large black boxes into true fairy-tale scenes.

    DESH ft a giant hand-painted scrim backdrop by ShowTex

    DESH by Akram Khan

    Handpainted backdrop and custom printed Dancecarpet Duo for Khan's latest contemporary production.

    Choucroute Heavy


    Combine Choucroute Heavy with GobelinTulle & get a stunning stage for a tour!

    Dance! Dance! Dance!

    Arsenal brings film, music and multiple fabrics by ShowTex together in a unique live performance.

    Ben Howard

    Ben Howard took the stage with a mysterious set design featuring fabric projection surfaces by ShowTex.

    Silvana Imam on tour with satin stage drapes

    Silvana Imam

    With its chic silky shine, Satinac looks like a million, without spending a fortune!

    Tim Tronckoe

    Alex Agnew

    Add light to create the most spectacular effects with our semi-transparent mirror foil.

    Touring Proof fabrics

    A great collection of foldable, crease-free and easy to transport fabrics which are durable enough to take on tour!

    How to choose the right Dance & Event Floor?

    ShowTex offers a variety of performance and event floor surfaces for permanent, semi-permanent and temporary applications in a wide range of colours and finishes.

    Take That

    ShowTex supplied no less than 38 giant FP XL Mesh projection screens for the highly anticipated Take That “Wonderland” tour.

    Juha Tapio

    Finnish singer-songwriter Juha Tapio on tour featuring creative PolyStretch P8 CS Matt projection surfaces.

    Michael Van Peel - laser-cut backdrop

    Michael Van Peel

    The crunched fabric of the laser-cut curtain reflected the stage lights beautifully.

    Event backdrop example

    How to choose a stage and event backdrop

    What is the perfect backdrop and how do you choose one for our stage or next event? Let's find out!

    Lindsey Stirling - Brave Enough

    Lindsey Stirling - Brave Enough

    A dazzling light show & amazing magic tricks brought to live by our unique PepperScrim hologram screen.

    360 immersive projections of famous artworks in museums

    1000m² of projection fabrics for the Gustav Klimt expo

    Immersive projections lift your museum visit to the next level.

    FORK in concert

    ShowTex supplied a versatile stage solution for the latest performances by Finnish a cappella group FORK.


    History came to life as stunning projections of baroque architecture decorated various layers of Cyclo.

    hand-painted fabric - cyclorama

    The Black Box Revelation

    Using black light paint, ShowTex created a unique hand-painted cyclorama for the promo tour of The Black Box Revelation.

    Backlit reveal curtain for concert tour

    Suspense & surprise with translucent stage fabric

    Mysterious backlit partition drape suddenly drops down and reveals band on tour.

    Embrace Vincent

    Embrace Vincent

    A live DJ set underneath a spectacular 3D cube by ShowTex.
